Flux Definition Francais
ˈriːflʌks. Well all of our vacation plans are in flux now that Sheilas broken her ankle.
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A continued flow.

Flux definition francais. Continuous change passage or movement. Flux of state in flux. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
Chem to boil or be boiled in a vessel attached to a condenser so that the vapour condenses and flows back into the vessel. A flowing or flow. A substance added to a metal to make it easier to solder join by.
Continuous change passage or movement. Cherchez flux et beaucoup dautres mots dans le dictionnaire de définition et synonymes français de Reverso. The Process Flow tool gives you an option that is really practical and real-world especially in factories.
Le flux et le reflux the ebb and flow. Flood a flux of words. Débit dénergie ou de particules sur une surface donnée 3.
Didactique action de couler pour un liquide. The newness and flux of the computer industry. 2015 Farlex Inc all rights reserved.
Afflux de touristes de produits étrangers. Apt to change or fluctuate. A continuous moving on or passing by as of a stream 3.
If something is in a state of flux it is constantly changing. British Dictionary definitions for reflux. The rate of flow of fluid particles or energy.
The flowing in of the tide. Les flux migratoires internes et les flux migratoires externes. His political views are in a state of flux.
The 3D aspect of FlexSim was just as powerful or more powerful than I could have hoped. In a constant state of flux Apt to change or fluctuate. Latin médiéval affluxus flux de la mer 1.
La diminution significative des flux migratoires. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. A flux is a concept in applied mathematics and vector calculus which has many applications to physicsFor transport phenomena flux is a vector quantity describing the magnitude and direction of the flow of a substance or property.
Arrivée soudaine dun grand nombre de personnes de choses en un même endroit. Flux describes any effect that appears to pass or travel whether it actually moves or not through a surface or substance. A flowing of fluid from the body.
Wikipedia Trésor de la langue française Lexilogos dictionnaire Larousse Le Robert. The rate of flow of fluid particles or. Ensemble des échanges réels et monétaires se produisant entre les divers agents de la vie économique.
Vous pouvez compléter la définition de flux proposée par le dictionnaire de français Reverso en consultant dautres dictionnaires spécialisés dans la définition de mots français. Période de la marée où leau monte. His opinions are in flux.
Éléments circulant dans lentreprise et destinés à être utilisés et transformés au cours du cycle dexploitation. Flux nom masculin Sens 1 Circulation d un liquide ou mouvement migratoire qui se déplace avec régularité dans une direction précise. The flowing in of the tide.
EllipseJO Processus industriel ou administratif au cours duquel des tâches des documents et des informations sont traités successivement selon des règles. Wow I wonder if theyll actually make it down the aisle Well all of our vacation plans are in a state of flux now that Sheilas broken her ankle. Littéraire abondance de choses en mouvement.
A flowing or flow. Affluence - arrivée - convergence - déferlement - flot. La notion de flux soppose à celle de stock ou de patrimoine 5.
Sand control completions using flux analysis Offshore. Meaning pronunciation translations and examples. His political views are in a state of flux.
A the rate of flow of particles energy or a fluid such as that of neutrons neutron flux or of light energy luminous flux b the strength of a field in a given area expressed as the product of the area and the component of the field strength at right angles to the area. Flux - in constant change. Really pleased with the product and our decision.
No their wedding plans are in a constant state of flux B.
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